What Every Christian Needs to Know about God’s Love
Agape is the Greek word for love. The Holy Spirit chose Agape to explain God’s Love. Agape is the purest, highest, and holiest form of love which we just can’t understand. The Holy Spirit uses Agape over 260 times in the New Testament. It describes who God is, what He does, why He saved us, and what He put in our hearts. For years, Christians have called it unconditional love. It is, in fact, more than that. It is faithful (Psalm 89:24) and everlasting (Jeremiah 31:3). Knowing this is a great comfort for our souls. It is hard to understand that God is Love (1 John 4: 8) But Love (Agape) is Who He is. God showed this Love when He gave you His One and Only Son to take away your sins, and drew your to Himself so that you could be with Him forever in heaven. This is how God lavished His Love on us (1 John 3:1)
There is a reason why we can love. It is also the reason why we crave love. When God made the first human being (Adam), He put Love in the man’s heart which connected God and His creation. The Bible tells us that we have agape, but because Adam sinned, our love is in a state of corruption. Our love is turned away from God and can be described as “I, me, and mine” selfish and self-centered. Selfish love is responsible for much of the misery and suffering in our world. It explains why families and churches have division and problems.
Romans 5:5 tells us that the Holy Spirit poured God’s Agape Love into our hearts when we were born again. This teaching was forgotten. Christians and Churches have suffered much harm and brought much shame upon themselves.
What would happen if every Christian and every Church recognized the presence of God’s Love in the heart and intentionally sought to have more of God’s Agape Love?
That question and many more are answered in Pastor Augie’s two books.
Order today!
The best book to start with is “Agape – The Forgotten Teaching of Jesus.” If you order it today, you will begin your life changing journey of blessing.
“Your book saved my marriage. My husband began to treat me in Agape love. I felt honored, loved, cherished and respected.”
The second book digs deeper into Agape because it is a scholarly study of the word. When you are done reading, you will know exactly what God says about His Love. There is a bonus waiting for pastors and church leaders who order “Agape: A Scholarly Study of the Word” today. There is a plan to reintroduce the teaching and presence of God’s Love in the church. It is truly life and church changing!
“Hi Pastor Augie!! Our church is doing well…more activities, more caring attitudes, more involvement, and happiness all around. Your Agape Plan works! The Agape Love you shared with us can be seen and felt.”
The Agape Plan for Church and the Agape For You Plan are available from Pastor Augie. Order it and discover how you can have Christians – a People of Love and Church – a Place of God’s Love.