Why This World is in Such a Mess

This Year was the Worst That I Can Remember

It seems like the year 2015 will go down in history as one of the worst.  I mean, how many innocent people were killed by terrorists?  How many were shot in our streets.  How many suffered persecution, even martyrdom for their religion?

As a Christian, I feel the increasing pressure of people who hate Jesus attempt to curtail my constitutional freedom of speech and expressing my opinion.  What I said in the past about what is sin, evil, immoral or wrong can get me jailed and made to look like a hate monger.  2015 was the worst year I can remember.

The world is in a mess.  Some blame it on people who were oppressed.  Some say it is all because of philosophical differences.  The most blame is upon a religion.  That belief which widely spread, is a ruse of the devil.  The devil knows that easiest way to breed and all the evil that comes from it is religion.

For centuries, this has been true in Christian history.  The early years were bloody.  The Inquisition.  The Thirty Years War.  The turmoil in England in the 17th and 18th centuries.  Christian intolerance to another that was (and is) so prevalent in America.

Islam is not much different.  Read their history.  What you will discover is that their radical Islamist hatred today is about the same as it has been through all their history.  Death to the infidel (non Moslem).

The devil has done a great job.  The world is in a terrible mess.  Worse than ever, I would say.

Let Me Tell You Why.

Let me talk to you in a biblical way, for a moment.  Not far from and long after the Garden of Eden, where life changed for ever for Adam, Eve and all their descendants was the first murder – of brother to brother.   In perhaps a thousand years later, God flooded the earth to get rid of all but eight people.  His reason is very clear, “The imagination of a man’s (person’s) heart is evil from its youth.  and that in God’s sight the earth was corrupt and full of violence.  The world was a mess then.  The world is today.

Every evil that we do or hear about being done boils down to just one reason.  Our selfishness which is self centered, self righteous and self serving.  This happened because we lost the kind of agape love that God gave us – which is unconditional, holy, and pure.

Think of what might be the ultimate act of selfishness.  A number of them are in the running.  Of all the acts of selfishness, I think the worst is murder.  Think about that for a moment.

How You Can Clean Up the Mess

God cleaned up my personal mess when I understood the meaning of pouring out His love into my heart.  My spirituality, my emotions, my behavior, and most of all my love were made new – into the likeness of my Lord Jesus Christ who showed His love when He died on the cross.

My selfishness is still there.  I do daily battle with it.  But God, who is transforming my mind is also renewing my heart so that I determine to live not as a selfish, self centered, self righteous person, but one who wants to show everyone Jesus in my heart.

That is how you can clean up the mess around you and in the world,

In Him Who so loved us,

Pastor Augie